View by date / recent additions
There are now an increasing number of packages using VIPM, and it can be hard to keep track of what is added. I would like to be able to see packages that have been recently added to the VIPM repository. One possibility would be a column which is the packages' release date, although that is not always defined. Another would be View/Show/Recent Additions which would show all packages added locally in, say, the last month.
Customer support service by UserEcho
It sounds as though the "date a package has been added to the repository" is what would be useful. If this date was a column which could be used as the sort criteria, then all of the View options would remain as ways to limit what is shown.
It takes me an hour to go through all the packages and see what is new. And I have to remember if I've seen them before! Multiple times I've installed a few addons that are non-free, just to have to uninstall them again because I realize I've tried them and they are paid (no ability to buy addons currently).
I agree that the date that an addon was introduced to the repository would be the ideal criteria. I was a little surprised that this wasn't already an available column. Recently installed would be useful to some extent as well, but really the publish date would be most important.